Grandparent's DayFriday at 11:00. It will probably last about an hour. The students are super excited! I hope the grandparents are as well. I could use a few parents to help during the event. Email me if you are available. MathThere is a graded math test in the folders today. Please take some time to go over it with your child. Talk about why they answered questions a certain way. Check to make sure they understand their mistakes. The students did exceptionally well on this test! We will be taking our next chapter test later this week. Soon the real fun begins and we start working with bigger numbers! GeologyThe grandparent unit is ending this week. Next week we will begin our geology unit. Students love to bring in rock sharings during this unit. Sharing is a great time to practice public speaking skills. If your child is bringing a rock to share, please make sure they have something planned to say in front of the class. They will have some geologic observation skills they can use, they can tell why this rock is special, they can make guesses about how it was formed. Lots of options. Just make sure they know what they want to say.
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March 2020