October was a fun month here in 2nd grade from Grandparents Day to learning in a Bat Cave! November, though limited in days, will be full with all sorts of learning activities! These kids are hard-working and and so great at connecting different experiences with their learning in the classroom! I am excited to meet with each of you at PLPs this week! We have two weeks before Thanksgiving Break that we will pack with new math concepts, writing and reading! PLPs: Personalized Learning PlanIf you haven't already, please sign up for your child's PLP. You can sign up here: www.signupgenius.com/go/409094aafac2ba5fd0-1sttrimester1 This is a chance for us, as your child's team, to celebrate, encourage and set goals for future learning! Start having a conversation about the goals your student would like to achieve this next trimester! ![]() Tuesday, November 13th we will leave for our field trip to Noble Orchard! The Noble family was so generous to invite us to their orchard during their busiest season (I was told we were the only ones they have invited)! We will be going rain or shine, so please be sure to dress your student accordingly. Please send them with closed toe shoes! They can wear "free dress bottoms" and a uniform top that day. I am in need of parent drivers for this trip! Please let me know if you can drive! We will eat our lunch at Bille Park and finish our time with a nature scavenger hunt. The cost is $2 for each student. We will leave school around 10:15 am and return around 1:00 pm. **Permission Slips were sent home in Monday Folders This Month in 2nd GradeMath- We will begin to set the stage for double digit addition with the tens and ones columns. Chapter 4 will guide the students step by step to identify place value and prepare them for regrouping (or borrowing). Science- This Friday we kick off the first lesson of our plant unit in science. We will discuss how seeds are dispersed and the various conditions and adaptations plants thrive or die in. To enhance our science unit, we will read, write and conduct different experiments. Our field trip to Noble Orchard will also be a highlight as we get to learn from a family who knows a lot about growing apples! Reading- Fluency and Comprehension will continue to be the driving force here in 2nd grade. We will continue to practice inferring, predicting, finding the main idea with supporting evidence and retelling a story with details. Writing- The students did a fantastic job with their informational writing about their Grandparents. We will be working on more informational writing as well as stating and supporting our opinions. Social Studies- Since we are learning about plants, we will take this time to understand the idea of production, consumption and how agriculture has changed throughout the years. We will talk a lot about how inventions have helped our economy- normal people found a solution to make life a little bit easier! I love how we get to inspire our kids to be problem solvers and help make a difference! STAR HOMEWORKPlease choose any of the follwoing activities for homework each night. Track the amount of stars your child earns throughout the week and return the homework sheet in the folder on Friday. We are really trying to work on collecting all homework folders on FRIDAY. Reading: THE MOST SIGNIFICANT HOMEWORK ACTIVITY! Students can read aloud, silent, or parents can read to them. Reading at least 20 minutes each night is highly recommended (1 STAR for every 10 mins)! Ask students to retell what they read or ask them questions to check for understanding! Math: Math practice pages (will be sent home 11/11 for Chapter 4); ST Math at home; Math game (dice, cards or flashcards); parent-approved math app on home device. **Please note that the practice pages are not mandatory. They are just an optional activity to practice math at home. Spelling: Any practice activity or Spelling City. Writing: Writing a story or letter; writing spelling words in sentences (2 for 1 deal!) Friendsgiving Feast on Friday, November 16th |
March 2020