Classroom Halloween CelebrationI will be "tricking" them with Halloween-themed school work and "treating" them to snacks and games throughout the day. If you are able to, please send your student with a healthy or fun snack to share on Tuesday morning. I will have plates, napkins and other paper goods available. All ACS students will participate in the Costume Parade at 10:45 am. You are welcome to join the fun! Mark Your Calendars...Field Trip!We will be taking a trip to A Maker's Space in Paradise on Tuesday, November 14. I hope we can walk there, if the weather allows. I will need a few parents to walk and stay to supervise, and possibly drivers if the weather is stormy. A permission slip will be sent home next week with all the details. This Week in 2nd GradeMath- We will continue to work through Chapter 3 this week. The chapter will introduce the students to different strategies to add to 100. They are off to a great start! Science- On Friday we will be planting our radish seeds in CD cases in hopes to discover the importance of water and dirt. Reading/Writing- We will continue to work on reading comprehension and finding evdience to questions about the text. The students have been working diligently on their Halloween stories. These stories will be published and presented to you at PLPs. This will be a highlight for sure! Social Studies- Food production and consumption will be further discussed and we will have activities to take us back to the "good 'ol days" on the farm. Spelling- Since this week is filled with a lot of excitement, we will wait until next week to introduce the next spelling lists. This week we will work on 2nd grade sight words. There is a list on Spelling City for the kids to use if they want to play at home. There will be no test this week. STAR HomeworkDue to all the fun and excitement this week holds, I will only be asking students to read for homework. They can earn a STAR for every 10 minuntes they read this week. We will collect and tally the STARS on Friday morning. There will be no spelling words or test this week. Upcoming Dates and Events10/30-11/3- Red Ribbon Week (spirit dress up days)
10/31- Halloween (classroom snack celebration) Costume Parade @ 10:45am 11/1- No School (Staff Development Day) 11/2-3 PLP Conferences (Dismissal at 12:30) 11/10- Veteran's Day (No School) 11/20-24- Thanksgiving Break (No School) 12/14- Winter Performance @ CMA 7pm 12/20- Classroom Party (Half Day) 12/21-1/5- Christmas Break 1/15- MLK Day (No School)
PLPsIf you haven't already, follow the link and sign up for your student's first trimester PLP. If your schedule does not work with the times available, please contact me. Meeting with you and your student is important to me and I will do what I can to accommodate you! Here is the link to sign up: This Week in 2nd GradeMath- This week we will start Chapter 3! We will work on different ways to add to 100 with a hundreds chart, number line and other strategies. Science- This week we will be introducing our new plant unit. We will be exploring seed dispersal and look closely at seed structure and function. This will tie in nicely to our geography/map concepts nicely! Reading/Writing- Readers Theater was so fun and effective! These kids are doing a great job identifying punctuation and matching their voice. This week we will work on comprehension and finding evdience to questions about the text. Our writing workshop has exploded with many creative ideas! It has been so fun to watch them write and come up with characters, setting, problem and solution. Social Studies- Maps and geography will continue to weave in and out of other learning areas. We will also start thinking about food production and consumption and how that has changed over the years. Spelling- Look in the Monday Folders to find your student's new spelling list. Each Monday the students will have a chance to work with their spelling words, find spelling patterns and sort them accordingly. I will make sure to have time scheduled in class to practice throughout the week. Red Ribbon WeekWe will take opportunities during Red Ribbon Week to talk about health, nutrition and making good choices for our bodies. STAR HomeworkWOW! These kids keep meeting their class goal each week. We have bumped the goal to 290 STARS! The homework menu will be the same as last week. Remember that all activities are optional but READING is the the most VALUABLE! Upcoming Events & Dates10/31- Halloween (classroom snack celebration) Costume Parade @ 10:45am
11/1- No School (Staff Development Day) 11/2-3 PLP Conferences (Dismissal at 12:30) 11/10- Veteran's Day (No School) 11/20-24- Thanksgiving Break (No School) 12/14- Winter Performance @ CMA 7pm 12/20- Classroom Party (Half Day) 12/21-1/5- Christmas Break 1/15- MLK Day (No School) |
March 2020